HR Wise Blog

HR Services for Small Businesses

Written by Admin | May 8, 2024 6:19:26 PM

HR Services for Small Businesses

Is your small business interested in hiring an HR service? Read here to find out why HR services can be the next big step for your small business.

4 out of 5 small businesses in the US are using outsourced HR support or software, or plan to within two years. The demands on the modern-day CEO are manifold, which is just part of the reason for this unsurprising trend.

But what are the most important HR services that you should outsource? And how will doing this benefit your business?

Keep reading as we review the different HR services available so you can assess how well you’re currently managing these tasks.

Payroll Services

Payroll is a great example of an HR service that’s worth outsourcing to professionals. When a business is starting out with a handful of employees, the CEO might judge that they can manage the payroll without any support.

But, as your business grows, handling the payroll will soon take up more and more of your time. What used to require half a day per month now eats into your schedule, leaving little time for the important CEO duties.

Very often, the outgoings spent on a payroll service provider are recouped by the time saved on the part of the CEO or business owner. Whether this time is dedicated to sales strategies or blue-sky thinking, it is far better management of your schedule.

What’s more, as complex situations relating to employee pay arise, businesses need to ensure they are paying their employees accurately and fairly. This topic of complicated payroll calculations is rarely within the wheelhouse of a small business owner. However, an outsourced payroll services supplier such as HR Wise can manage this for you thanks to our know-how and experience.

Time Tracking

One of the most useful HR services operations to outsource is time tracking. This is useful for a wide range of businesses. For example, those who bill clients by the hour, and others where employees are paid according to when they clock in and out.

Our team at HR Wise can set your business up with modern and easy-to-use software that allows for accurate time tracking for all your employees. We recommend communicating to your team that their activity is being tracked for payroll or management purposes. This means that they are aware upfront that it is happening.

With time tracking software you can also record lunch breaks, vacation days, absences, and other working hours concerns.

Our software and solutions are easily scalable, so we can keep up with you as your business grows. What’s more, our mobile app makes it easy for you to track attendance when on the move.

Recruitment and Retention

One of the most time-consuming HR tasks for small businesses is recruitment. When your company is in a period of rapid growth, it can feel like every week you need to fill a new position.

From creating job descriptions and advertising the role to narrowing down a shortlist. Before you can even interview the candidates, hiring new talent takes time. This is where HR Wise can help reduce the workload by handling small business services relating to personnel.

Even once your new employee begins, the work continues. Onboarding processes and professional development initiatives are important for employee success. Outsourcing these tasks to HR Wise ensures thorough onboarding for your employees, thanks to our software.

You’ll also have the ability to establishing a learning management network, to set up training and courses for your team. Last, we can assist with employee screening, employment branding, pay analysis, and more.

Benefits Management

A significant struggle for small businesses is staying up to date with the laws concerning employees’ pay and benefits. Local, state, and federal decrees must be accounted for. The laws can change 75 times per year, making it impossible to keep up with every minor adjustment to legislation.

There comes a point when every CEO realizes there is a more efficient way for their time to be spent. Undoubtedly, that is driving growth rather than analyzing questions related to benefits administration. The sooner small business owners realize this, the better.

An HR company can also handle your business insurance, retirement plans, and group health insurance.

By choosing HR Wise for your benefits management, you can easily customize FSA, HSA, TMA, and COBRA benefit services. You can run reports to compare benefit plans and payments, as well as contribution amounts and more.

Performance and HR Consulting

A final reason to outsource your human resources services is for performance and consulting support. Managing employee conflict, disputes, and performance issues takes skills and experience.

Many small business owners find it a huge relief to rely on an external HR support company for sensitive issues with their employees.

At HR Wise, our dedicated account managers will get to know you and your team. We’ll help each employee handle their family leave, health benefits, or other compliance questions. We’ll also be there for you to help with the bigger topics. If you’re considering a business remodel, merger, or budgetary changes, our software and staff can help.

Could You Benefit From Outsourcing Your HR Services?

We’ve now discussed the many ways you can achieve a more manageable workload thanks to HR services. That’s in addition to ensuring accurate benefit calculations and experienced support. Let HR professionals keep your employee paperwork and workforce management on track. We let you focus on growing your business.

If you’re a small business owner in the Phoenix AZ area and you’d like some more information about outsourcing your HR, we’re here to help. Get in touch with our team for a free consultation, and together we’ll explore how you can save time and money with HR Wise.